
深入使用義大利傳奇筆記本 B-Side of Moleskine

Moleskine 是一個紅遍各處的義大利筆記本品牌,雖然價錢昂貴,但因為傳說中梵谷,達文西,海明威等人都是 Moleskine 的愛用者,如此深厚藝術家的品牌形象深植世界文青心中,因此一直都十分受歡迎。
我使用的心得是,這個牌子的紙張真的寫起來很順,吸水性恰到好處,又十分柔韌,品質的確比隨便一本筆記本要好,在包包裡整天擠壓,帶來帶去,也絲毫沒有變形。除此之外,在義大利一本Moleskine 可以便宜到台幣兩百多塊,買來用時比較不會心痛太久。
我平常只用來寫作而已,沒有想到要用來做些其他什麼事情,不過前幾天無意中發現 Moleskine 將其價值往最大值推廣,推出了林林總總許多可免費下載的樣板,於是稍微研究了一下。

Moleskine 出過很多系列,像是品酒記事,電影記事和穿搭記事等等,可是這些樣板在 Moleskine 官網上都找的到,點進去看,裡面有千奇百怪不下一百種樣板,有記錄甜點色彩形狀的,有記錄不同航空公司飛機餐的,也有書衣樣版和標示樣板,都可以自己印下來用。裡面各種語言都有,覺得這個品牌真的滿用心的。
除此之外, Moleskine 常常會在官網上辦活動,只要上傳自己在 Moleskine 筆記本上創作的圖像文字,就有機會登上 Moleskine 的版面,並且得到他們出的一些藝術文具組之類的東西。因此在官網裡可以看到一片百花齊放,十分有趣。
這是 Moleskine 樣板的下載處:moleskine.com/templates
以下是一些從他們網站下載來的 Sample,還有一些我覺得畫得滿漂亮的作品,一同貼在下方:

Moleskine is a world-wide famous Italian notebook brand, although the prices of these notebooks aren't so friendly, but with its self-claimed relations with grand artists such as Van Gogh, Da Vinci and Hemmingway, the artistic and historical impressions root down deeply into the depth of Hipsters' hearts, and has always been a popular notebook brand.
In my opinion, the quality and the absorbency of the notebook are really nice, I write fairly smoothly on its paper. Also, although I always cram my notebooks inside narrow and crowded bags, but they never deform easily. The quality is indeed better than some whatever notebooks.
In Italy, Moleskine can be as cheap as 200 something NT dollars, I feel I'm wasting money less while I buy it here in Italy.
I usually just write on my notebooks, but few days ago I accidentally find that Moleskine published many weird templates on its websites, so I did a little research about it.

Moleskine had launched diverse collections throughout the years, such as wine tasting, movie and style journals. We can find all the templates on Moleskine's website. In fact, there are hundreds of funny templates on the official site, like the one on which you can record the colors and shapes of your desserts, or the one that is used to record flight meals from different airlines. There are book covers and signs as well, all free to be printed down and used. The templates are available in many languages too, I feel this company is indeed pretty organized.
Moreover, Moleskine hosts arty activities pretty often, you just need to upload the art works you do on your Moleskine notebooks, and the judges will select the best ones and send the winner some art stationery collections. As a result, the website is full of myriads of art pieces, which are pleasurable to see.

This is the place where you can download the templates: moleskine.com/templates
Also below are some drawings I found on internet and think they are pretty interesting, check it out--

From Moleskine



Sample from Moleskine

Sample from Moleskine
The OG Social Networkers





Template Sample from Moleskine

Template Sample from Moleskine

Jay Jonny

