我本來屬於一個對咖啡沒啥興趣的人,反正想喝咖啡時就去 7-11 ,Starbucks 或巷裡某個文青咖啡廳點個卡布奇諾或美式咖啡,坐下來看看書翻翻雜誌消磨一下午,就算完了。因此喝咖啡在我生活中是個很次要的配角,點杯咖啡只是喝個氣質優雅,融入店家刻意營造的氛圍,或是為了可以正氣凜然的霸佔咖啡座數小時而臉不紅氣不喘。
I was someone who didn't really have any interest in drinking coffee. Sometimes when the coffee drinking desire popped up randomly in my mind, I just sauntered to convenient stores, Starbucks or to whatever hipster cafes and ordered a cup of Cappuccino or Americano. And that's it.
Drinking coffee was a secondary thing in my life, it was for the sake of rendering myself a misconception of being elegant and civilized, or for the sake of squatting a seat in a coffee shop and read for hours without feeling slightly ashamed.
However, after I moved to Italy where coffee is considered as a very important part of life, my perceptions and understandings of coffee are gradually elevated. I started to notice that apart from Cappuccino, Americano and Machiato, there are still myriad kinds of coffee. And I started to perceive that drinking coffee isn't just an action which I indulge myself in certain atmosphere that doesn't exist in real life. Instead, it's just a neutral and natural thing that is blended in everyday life.
Moreover, different areas and bars make a same kind of coffee with different styles and decorations, so hopping around different shops to try coffee already became one of my little entertainments.
In this first article I'll share some commonly seen coffee, and later in the second article, I'll share other kinds that are more regional and more complicated.
Espresso / Caffé
/ 濃縮義式咖啡
義式咖啡的精華。佔小小一杯咖啡杯的 1/3,一口就可飲盡,像喝 Shot 一樣,是非常集中濃郁的咖啡。一般認為 Espresso 咖啡因含量很高,可是其實因為它量少,所以總體咖啡因含量不比其他咖啡飲品多。很多義大利人會在吧檯點杯 Espresso 一仰頭就喝完,然後帶著體內剛補充的咖啡因上班上學去。
The essence of Italian coffee. Only occupied 1/3 of a little coffee cup, can be finished in one shot, is a very concentrated and heavy coffee. Usually people think the caffeine contains in Espresso is very high, however because of its little quantity, its caffeine can be much less than other kinds of coffee drinks. Usually I see many Italians order an Espresso standing in front of the bar and devour it in 3 seconds, then go to school or works with newly consumed energy.
/ 雙份
一份 Espresso 不夠刺激,那就來杯雙份的。我還沒試過,因為光是一杯 Espresso就可以讓我亢奮無比....
If one portion of Espresso is not exciting enough, then you can order double (Doppio). I've never tried to order this yet because already one cup of Espresso serves enough to make me feel stimulated..
/ 卡布奇諾
卡布奇諾的黃金比例是 1/3 Espresso,1/3 熱牛奶,1/3 不漫過杯沿的泡沫。
The golden proportion of Cappuccino is 1/3 of Espresso, 1/3 of hot milk, and 1/3 of foam.
In Italy, people don't really order Cappuccino apart from breakfast time because it makes you feel too full and lazy.
The name of Cappuccino is originated from the wardrobe of the ancient San Francis members, who had white skin and dressed in brown cowls and hats. The combination of these colors corresponds to the one of Cappuccino.
Lungo 在義大利文裡是 Long 的意思。顧名思義,Lungo 咖啡就是用更多的水來沖一定量的咖啡粉,可以想成是拉長後的 Espresso,濃度當然也因此稀釋很多,適合喜歡喝大杯咖啡磨時間並且不太能承受咖啡因的人。
Lungo means long in Italian. Taking reference from the name, Lungo coffee can be imagined as a prolonged Espresso. It is made with comparatively more boiling water with same amount of coffee powder. As a result, Lungo is less strong than usual Espresso. I think it pretty much suits to people who can't really endure caffeine but still have an unreasonable desire to drink bigger cups of coffee.
有 Lungo 當然就會有 Ristretto 了。Ristretto 在義文裡意思是 limited, narrow, cramped, confined...,是用很少的水去沖一定量的咖啡粉,所沖泡出來的成品便是比 Espresso 更小杯,更濃厚的咖啡。
Ristretto is a counter of Lungo. Ristretto means limited, narrow, cramped, confined... in Italian. It is made with little amount of boiling water with a certain amount of coffee powder. The result is a kind of coffee that is even smaller yet stronger than Espresso.
/ 奶油咖啡
Panna 是一種看起來很 fancy 的咖啡。不過其實就是在 Espresso 上擠上一蓬鮮奶油,然後用巧克力粉點綴裝飾而成。
如果奶油質地很好的話,把奶油攪進咖啡裡一匙一匙邊吃邊喝,有非常溫婉的甜味,十分好喝。在義大利要點這個的話,只要說 Espresso con panna. (Espresso with cream) 就好。
Panna looks pretty fancy, but it's actually made by adding a scoop of cream on top of Espresso, sometimes with a bit of chocolate powder decorations.
If the quality of the cream is good, the combination of cream and coffee has a very fresh and gentle sweetness, tastes very good! If you want to order this in Italy, just say Espresso con panna.
/ 卡瑞托咖啡
個人覺的極端神經的人才有辦法喝這東西。Corretto 是在 Espresso 裡再加入一點酒精,要混哪種酒其實選擇滿自由,但一般來說會加利口酒,Sambuca (一種義大利茴香酒)或白蘭地。
Personally, I think only extremely neurotic people drink this kind of coffee. Corretto is Espresso with little drops of alcohol. The choices of added alcohol are pretty free, but usually people use Liquor, Sambuca or Brandy. Usually, Corretto is drank after meals. I drank once, and felt my nerves started to tighten after a while. But maybe it's a good beverage for winter times.

Deca (Decaffeinated)
/ 無咖啡因咖啡
As the name suggests.
/ 瑪奇朵咖啡
在義文裡,Macchio 意思是汙點,因此瑪奇朵其實就是用一點白色熱牛奶玷污純潔的黑咖啡。
In Italian, Macchio means stain. So, the concept of Macchiato is to use a spot of hot white milk to stain a cup of pure coffee.
Latte Macchiato
/ 拿鐵馬奇朵
Latte Macchiato is the counter of Macchiato.
Latte Macchiato is made by profaning milk with some drops of coffee, topped with a layer of unfrothed milk.
/ 摩洛哥咖啡
雖然名字裡有摩洛哥,但其實這種咖啡是發源自義大利,取名叫 Moroccan 是因為它的淡咖啡色很像 1930 年代用來做髮帶的摩洛哥皮革。
Marocchino 內含可可粉,牛奶和少量 Espresso。在義大利有些地區還會直接加熱巧克力進去,喝起來甜甜香香的。
Although it's called Moroccan, Marocchino is actually derived from Italy. The name Marocchino is related to a kind of light brown Moroccan leather that were used to make hair bands in 1930s.
Marocchino includes cocoa powder, milk and little amount of Espresso. In some regions of Italy people even pour hot chocolate directly in the cup.
Shakerato 是把冰塊和 Espresso 放到手搖杯裡像搖珍珠奶茶一樣,用力搖一搖,把冰塊的冷度滲透進咖啡後,倒入馬丁尼玻璃杯裡製成的。夏天喝起來十分沁涼舒爽。
Shakerato is made by shaking ice cubes and Espresso together, letting the coffee absorb the coldness and freshness of the ice, then pour the icy coffee into the Martini glasses.
It's totally an addictive drink in summertime.
/ 阿芙佳朵
Affogato 是處於咖啡與甜點之間的一種食品。
把 Espresso 淋上香草冰淇淋,再隨店家喜好加上焦糖,餅乾之類裝飾,便大功告成。等冰淇淋在杯中融化,和 Espresso 融合在一起後,吃起來其實很像咖啡奶昔。
Affogato is something between coffee and dessert.
It is made by pouring Espresso over scoops of vanilla ice cream. Different shops might add different decorations like cookies or caramel inside the cup.
When the ice cream melts and mixes with the coffee, Affogato actually tastes like coffee milk shake.