
2015 Student Strike in Italy : Studenti Contro il Nuovo ISEE 義大利學運

2015 Student Strike in Italy 
Studenti Contro il Nuovo ISEE

最前方的白布條上寫著:Studenti contro il Nuovo ISEE (Students against new ISEE) (學生抗議新ISEE政策)
ISEE 是 Indicator of the economic situation 的縮寫,意思是經濟狀況指標。
可是在這幾年來義大利政府斷斷續續調整計算各類財產價值的方式(例如明明是一樣的土地,變換計算方式後硬是讓土地價值上升),使得國家整體收入在紙張上看 起來提高許多,每個家庭的財產數也越來越高,所以學生好像都越來越有錢,超過了可以申請獎學金的門檻,因此約有 20% - 30% 的大學學生無法再繼續申請補助。
可是看著義大利前總理貝魯斯科尼 (Berlusconi) 的執政方式和權勢, 以及義大利大大小小公家機關的無效率和冷漠態度,不知道這場仗結局會是如何。

除此之外,由於之前也有參加過台灣學運的關係,和這次意外加入義大利學運比起來,發現兩者氣氛很不一樣。在台灣政治氣氛非常濃厚,也嚴肅很多,在義大利現 場沒什麼黨派暗地角力感,也沒看到任何人來到現場宣傳黨派發發傳單之類。單純就是學生直接對抗政府,可是遊行氣氛非常歡樂,充滿嘻哈音樂與頂著雷鬼頭的人 士嬉笑走跳。

Yesterday when I was on my way to class at Pisa, I heard blurry loud music, shouts and beats from afar. It sounded like a sensation. I kept walking and turned at a corner, then, a whole scene 
of a student strike suddenly unfolded in front of me. 
The sign that was held up high in front screamed: Studenti contro il Nuovo ISEE! (Students against new ISEE).
ISEE is the abbreviation of "Indicator of the economic situation".

To study at the public universities in Italy, students are not required to pay the so called tuition fee, thus, the fee that students have to pay for school is actually tax. To apply for scholarships or subsidies, one factor relies on the performances in school depends on individuals. However, the second factor, and also the more important factor, relies on students' family financial status. (As a result, before it was easier for students from lower income families to be qualified as scholarships and subsidies receivers.)
This policy was changed in January 2015, and has been an important adjustment that effects big part of Italian students' rights.
With the different calculation method of varied kinds of properties, (For example, a same piece of land's value can jump up high merely due to different ways of evaluation.) not only Italy but also each Italian family seem wealthier on the papers, so automatically certain amounts of people no longer fit into the requirements of applying for subsidies.
Approximately 20% - 30% of students are effected by this reform.
After I came back home from school yesterday, I checked the news online and found that the student strike not only happened in Pisa, but in every main cities of Italy.
Seeing how the ex prime minister Berlusconi ruled Italia and his absolute powers, accompanying the heavy bureaucracy and the aloof attitude of official institutions, it's hard to tell how this war is gonna end.
When I was in Taiwan, I participated in at least two big student strikes. The thing that impressed me is how Taiwanese and Italian student activities are different in ways and styles. In Taiwan each strike in the end became a clandestine war field of different political forces. I saw many parties assigned people to set up little stages and started to preach, and fliers containing all kinds of ideologies scattered everywhere. In Italy it's either I'm still not able to understand the whole situation yet or it's really that the student strike appeared to be more pure, a conversation from students directly to the government.

